Utilizing automation to derive time and money freedom
Window Book has been producing this internal newsletter for years. We send thousands every month using our own DAT-MAIL mailing software. Over the past six months, we’ve started to use our own tools much more and integrate WBI software tools and added functionality to the newsletter production and mailing process.
The result is that we have significantly increased efficiency and slashed time costs.
First, we upgraded DAT-MAIL with latest AWAM, and AWAM FM Rules, and DAT-MAIL PostalWeb Connected. Our Newsletter team used to need many more hours to prepare the mail.dat in presort, break them up for small mailings that our printers can handle, move them over to a server different from our presort server, edit them, print IMb tags, then upload Mail.dat, have a user log into PostalOne! to download the electronic confirmations scan sheet, bring the mailing over with Scan Sheet to the USPS and have it scanned, then come back and download finalized postage statements, put them into a freshly names directory and then e-mail managers that it was done. Now they say it’s done in a ¼ of the time. The resent addition of AWAM FM rules makes the moving of the files easy, DAT-MAIL now auto imports the files and AWAM post import processing and the mobile app that lets me see what is happening real time from the road are all great things that love to see. Now, we have it so the confirmation barcode can be brought over on a mobile phone and the document does not need to be printed anymore. These new tools free up hours of staff time to do more clients services work and do more valuable work inside Window Book. Now every moth we get the savings from setting the process up well with great tools.